Frequently Asked Questions

What is Delomore?

Delomore is a universal shopping search engine designed to help you discover small, independent, and unique online brands that you’ll love.

We are an early-stage startup founded by Craig Schmidt and Jenny Xu, in the Boston, Massachusetts area.

Why should I use Delomore?

Delomore provides search results for well over a million online shops, with more on the way. Many of these shops don't list on Amazon or marketplaces like Google Shopping. Shop owners would face high seller fees or ad spending and lose direct contact with their customers.

Delomore gives you easy access to these small, independent, and unique online brands. At the same time, it provides brand visibility and exposure for these exciting shops.

How does Delomore work?

You can use Delomore the same way as any other search engine or marketplace. Enter what you are looking for, such as a “jigsaw puzzle.” Delomore displays matching results for online stores carrying what you’ve searched for—in this example, jigsaw puzzles.

How are the search results ordered?

Delomore orders results by a combination of each brand’s relevance to your search query and the brand’s popularity. We are constantly enhancing our ranking algorithm to make it better for you!

I’m a shop owner. How can I have my online store appear on Delomore?

We include all of the small and independent online shops that we find. Let us know if we’ve missed your store or if there are other issues with the listing. Please email us at We do not charge to have stores listed on Delomore.

What if I have more questions, or would like to provide feedback?

We’d love to hear your thoughts: